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Dr. Shannon is unavailable for appointments from Dec 26, 2024 – Jan 3, 2025.

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Reasons for Euthanasia

Common Diseases & How They Effect My Pet’s Quality of Life

Age is not a disease...

As we age, our body starts to wear down allowing diseases to develop and creep in. The same is true for our beloved pets. Cancer, metabolic diseases, as well as mobility issues are some of the most common ailments that affect our pet’s quality of life and give us reasons for euthanasia. In addition, our pets do not show these diseases the same way we humans do. Knowing how they present for our furry family members and being able to monitor that progression is very important. It allows you to better monitor their quality of life especially at the end stages.  

Below are some of the most common diseases for cats and dogs. Each link will take you to information on those specifics diseases. It will explain what the disease is, how our pets behave with the diseases, and signs/symptoms your pet will show as it progresses. When used with a quality of life checklist, this information will allow you to have a better idea of how bad your pet’s situation is. And it will hopefully aid you in choosing an ideal window to say goodbye the way you would want for them. 

**click on any line below for more information (each line is a link)

**If you can not find the disease here, Veterinary Partner is another great source for disease information and reasons for euthanasia. Keep in mind that these lists do not cover all diseases our pets develop. They are only the most common ones that we see especially at the end of their lives. Please refer to your regular veterinarian for diseases not listed here or you can not find elsewhere. Always consult a professional expert when investigating health related issues for your pet. 

Your pets, our family.

It is an honor and a privilege that we get to help you and your pet through this transition of life and death. We are dedicated to making this process as easy as possible.

After all, our pets are family too! We all should be given the dignity and love to say goodbye in the comfort of our home surrounded by our loved ones.

man hugging golden Eternal Pawprints