
Remembering Your Loved Ones

“A loyal companion and best friend. May their memories
bring you comfort in this time of loss.”

Please feel free to leave a memorial in honor of your four-legged angel


11/10/2011 - 4/24/2024

Our Roya was a special little dog. She came into my life when I needed it the most and she was my shadow ever since. We lost her brother, Benny last year to the month and I never thought it could get harder. Boy was I wrong. But again, I want to thank Dr. Shannon and the team for making her transition as painless and as calm as possible. Roya was extremely intelligent, sweet, and loved her family and extended family so much. I hope you’re chasing all the rabbits and squirrels up there and I know the rest of your pup friends, Sierra, Izzy, Murph, and Benny were waiting for you! Thank you for the past 12 years of unconditional love. I’m going to miss seeing your little smile everyday in the front window when I get home and the way you always greeted me at the door with a gift of one of your toys or bones. Miss you forever, June Bug!

Osa rotated


9/16/2011- 4/17/2024

Osa was my little ankle biter. As a PomChi, she had an attitude that only I could embrace. She loved to bark at everything and nothing. She was my ride or die partner for the last 10 years. She battled untreated diabetes for the first 5 years of her life. When I adopted her at 5 years old, we managed her diabetes easily, but in the end there was nothing more we could do. Unmanageable diabetes, Cushing’s disease, and chronic pancreatitis got the best of her. I will love you for the rest of my life, Osa. There will never be another you! Run free wherever you are and know that I will join you some day. You are forever in my heart!


5/10/2010 - 3/5/2024

We had 14 wonderful years with our Molly, words can’t even express how broken hearted we are. Molly was a huge presence in our home she was a silly heart and loved her little life. She filled our day with joy every day. We love you Molly !! I know you are with Angels

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4/27/2009 - 2/19/2024

Reese was the best girl. She was the best “big sister” to her four little brothers. Reese was her mom and dad’s first “baby”. Reese taught us patience, unconditional love and to keep our snacks up high. She loved sunshine and hated thunderstorms. Reese loved cozy blankets and gave the best kisses on the nose. She liked playing in the snow and riding in the car for coffee runs. Reese will be sorely missed by her mom, dad and brothers. Our girl lived a full life being loved by so many. We find comfort in her memories. Until we meet again our sweet puppy girl, we hope you have an endless supply of snacks and warm grass to run through and lay on. We love you.

Jager and Henne

12/8/2006 - 2/11/2024

My boys, I will forever have you in my heart. You were my companions and family through 17 and 11 years of my life. Thank you for the smiles, the laughs, the road trips, the walks, being my shoulder through the rough and being my happiness throughout your lives. I am forever grateful that I have learned the true meaning of love with you. Rest easy my poopies, I will meet you again in the green open fields filled with sun, snacks, and love.

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1/10/2010 - 2/8/2024

Shane, you were the BEST dog! Thank you for 14 years of unconditional love ❤️


1/1/2007 - 1/3/2024

We are so lucky that we spent 17 amazing years with this pup. I just wish it was longer. The house is so quiet without you.

You were my snuggle buddy. Watching a movie on the couch or going to sleep at night, you always curled up next to me. We always called you the vicious licker because you always tried to give kisses to everyone. You were my comfort every day. We hope you are with Pennington, enjoying peanut butter, pup cups and cheeseburgers. Rest easy.

“If the kindest souls were rewarded with the longest lives, the dogs would outlive us all.”


9/11/2010 - 12/30/2023

We miss you so much our sweet Molly girl! You’re in our hearts forever! ❤️


3/20/2009 - 12/13/2023

Lizabell you are already so missed by all of us. From the day we picked you up as a small little cotton ball of fluff as a surprise present for your boy Alan until the moment you left us you gave us nothing but pure happiness, joy, unconditional love and so many snuggles! We knew we were getting the sweetest girl but we never knew how lucky we were and how much love our hearts would feel having you. From your funny little whole body wags, to your perfected sad eyed puppy stares that melted our hearts. Your puppies were just perfection, you were the perfect mommy. And Alan loved you soooo much, you knew how to cheer him up when no one else could. This family already feels such a void with you gone. Beau misses his best girl. But we are so glad you are not in pain. We love you sweet Belle Belle. Thank you for giving us such unconditional love and joy!

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2/10/2010 - 10/30/2023

Lily! You were the best dog ever and we are going to miss you forever. Thank you for all of the memories and good times girl.


03/13/2011- 10/16/2023

She was a friendly and happy cat. She was so loved by everyone. She will be missed terribly


6/11/2011 - 8/6/2023

My precious Titan came to me in my awkward 20’s when I was trying to figure out the whole adult life thing. He was there for every heart break and every victory. He was there to lick up all my tears and provide cuddles during the low times. He was there to provide even more kisses and zoomies during the happy times. He was my true best friend, loyal beyond belief. Where ever momma was Titan was and where ever Titan was momma was. He was my rock in so many ways and was able to put a smile on anyones face that he met. I am thankful I got to spend his last week with him doing all the things he enjoyed. We cuddled and sunbathed until his last breath where he was able to peacefully pass in my arms while I gave him all the kisses possible.

Little Man

12/31/2009 - 7/16/2023

When we found Little Man he was dying in a Pennsylvania shelter. He was so scared he growled at everyone so the volunteers were afraid to go in with him. He was so sick the other dogs in his kennel ate all the food before he could get to it. Later we discovered he had 3 parasites, was extremely malnourished, and arthritis in his spine.
I knew it would be a hard road for him but we wanted to at least give him the chance! Our wonderful vet, Dr. Schmidt, just shook his head when he saw him. But he was willing to give it a try. He absolutely worked miracles and a few months later Little Man was running on his walks and being a dog probably for the first time in his life! We only had him a year and a half. But hopefully made up for the bad times. He was a real trooper and a hero in our eyes. We miss him so much.


6/28/2005 - 7/5/2023

Thank you for this opportunity to share some memories of our boy, Murphy. We wrote a poem to help us get through this sad time. Please feel free to post it to your website.

Forever In Our Hearts

In our heart, this sorrow runs deep,
For our faithful son, Murphy, was put to sleep.
With paws so gentle and eyes so kind,
The bond we shared, so impossible to find.
Through countless walks and endless plays,
You filled our lives with such joyful days.
Your wagging tail and barks of delight,
Brought light to us during the darkest night.
But time took its toll, it ravaged your frame,
Your age a battle, we couldn’t tame.
The weakness you bore, you tried to conceal,
But your weakened body couldn’t fully heal.
With tears streaming down, we made the difficult choice,
To free you from suffering, silencing your voice.
Though it broke our hearts, it was for the best,
To grant you peace and your eternal rest.
The Vet’s gentle touch eased you to sleep,
Holding you close, we couldn’t help but weep.
Your eyes closed softly, your breathing serene,
You finally felt peace, your spirit now pristine.
Memories flood back, like a rushing stream,
Kisses and cuddles, it felt like a dream.
Your presence still lingers, deep in our home,
A love so pure, forever you’re able to roam.
You can now frolic in fields, where rainbows are steep,
A loyal companion, forever ours to keep.
Though you’re not always by our side, never dismay,
For in our hearts, your spirit will forever stay.


10/29/2007 - 3/15/2023

It took me a while to write about Remi. I miss him so very much.

I remember the day Remi came into our lives. He was so little, only weighing a few ounces. He was less the 24 hours old and was named Remington by my youngest son after the brand shotgun he uses to hunt. We visited him often over the next ten weeks and watched his personality blossom. He was feisty to say the least. This was our first experience with a chihuahua and we had no idea what we were in store for. He was not a “purse” dog nor one to wrap up in a blanket and carry around like a baby. He was a hellion! He guarded our house, and my husband like a professionally trained guard dog. We had gotten him from my mother in law so she suggested she would take him back for some “Grammy Boot Camp” training. He came back with better manners but he had his own agenda and that only lasted for a short time. He chewed on my husbands wooden decoys and tore the squeakers out of every toy we bought him. He loved to play fetch and loved snow! He caught flies and ate them. He let every new chihuahua we brought home (we ended up with seven) know that he ruled the roost. He had a sweet side at times. He loves to snuggle his nose in my neck and hide his face in my hair. I should have taken stock in Band-Aids because if my husband was around and I picked him up he bit the heck out of my hands.

Remi loved to run the fence with the big dogs next door. He loved spying on their cats. He kept the birds and the groundhogs out of our yard. For a six pound dog he was fearless, except for storms. He had a few health issues along the way but nothing that kept him down until about a year ago. Remi developed a cough. It just would not go away despite every medication we tried. He had collapsing trachea and allergies and he was just getting old. To see our boy get weaker and weaker was heartbreaking. He began to cough even when he slept. He did nothing but eat, potty, cough and snuggle with our newest rescue Rigsi. It was time to let him go. He lived his best life for 15 1/2 years with us and his pack. Our four legged babies are our kids. It’s a bond like no other.

Remi’s mind was sharp until the end. His little body just gave out. I’m glad I was with him in his final moments. No more coughing and he’s with his three sisters who passed before him. I am so glad that Dr. Shannon was here with us. She made us all feel so comfortable, especially Remi, even though he greeted her in his normal grumpy way, but she gently rubbed his forehead and he relaxed. She was so compassionate and loving. She felt our pain. She told me to keep talking to Remi as he went to sleep so peacefully.

I read this somewhere…”The grief of loss is the price we pay for the gift of love. It is worth every tear.”

Bring an animal into your life and love them with all of your heart. They have so much to give.

I love you Remi. Until we meet again…Mom


7/9/2009 - 4/26/2023

We will love & miss you forever our sweet Baby Mya girl ❤️


2/22/2013 - 4/7/2023

You and your sister Abbey came to live with me nearly nine years ago.

You were scared, lonely little pups, but the potential in you both shined thru.

In time you learned your new names, learned what toys and treats were, learned how to finally relax and play, learned commands and, above all learned to trust.

Through the years you have given me joy, companionship and comfort.

Now you are at rest my ever-faithful little friend.

May you always have soft grass to lay in, warm sun on your back, and rabbits to chase.

R.I.P. my little Ellie. 4/7/23

Until we meet again.


3/25/2010 - 4/3/2023

I am going to miss you so much Emma Lou! You gave me so much love, comfort and joy! Your forever in my Heart!


5/27/2006 - 2/18/2023

Milo… (my Beepsie) I can’t even believe you are not here with me. You have been my best friend and my world for almost 17 years . Thank you for being our reason , the glue that held your Sis and I together after Dom Dom left this world. It is super quiet here without you and I hate it. I already miss our daily routine together feels weird not taking care of you or stepping in the rice you dragged all over the kitchen floor. I will miss you forever and ever. I really hate this . I wish you could have stayed forever.


5/28/2006 - 2/18/2023

Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday. Unseen, unheard, but always near. So loved, so missed, so very dear. I love you Milo thank you for choosing me to be your best friend 17 years ago. Our lives are not the same without you.


5/27/2006 - 2/18/2023

Milo… (my Beepsie) I can’t even believe you are not here with me. You have been my best friend and my world for almost 17 years . Thank you for being our reason , the glue that held your Sis and I together after Dom Dom left this world. It is super quiet here without you and I hate it. I already miss our daily routine together feels weird not taking care of you or stepping in the rice you dragged all over the kitchen floor. I will miss you forever and ever. I really hate this . I wish you could have stayed forever.

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2/2/2009 - 2/9/2023

Thunder was a rescue but I believe he rescued us. He was such a sweet boy. Our gentle giant. There is just never enough timeto spoil them and love them. He was 2 when I rescued him and 12 years was all we had which was just not long enough. I love and miss you terribly. The house is so empty without you.


1/15/2009 - 1/12/2023

We got Cody at 8 weeks old, the day I picked him up I knew I would be his person. He has been with me through some of the best & worst times of my life. Saying goodbye to him was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.


6/1/2009 - 12/30/2022

Ben adopted us when he was 7 and completely filled our hearts with his gentle loving soul. He was super smart, very protective, funny, loved his toys and ball, and was always patient. At 13 1/2 cancer shortened his life. Ben passed away peacefully at home in his bed with us loving him. We miss him terribly, the house is quiet and our hearts are broken but our boy is at peace. Run free sweet Ben, run free. ❤️❤️

Roxie & Shelby

2/29/2008 - 12/28/2022

Roxie and Shelby were beautiful Shetland Sheepdog-Collie mixes. They loved to eat, sleep, take car rides, go for walks, play frisbee. They lived long, happy and meaningful lives with lots of love. They came into this world and left it together. Our home and hearts are empty without them.

We love and miss you forever, girls. Run free and take care of each other.


3/7/2010 - 12/28/2022

We love you Stormy girl… the house is empty without you!

Suki Suki Na Warrington

2/25/2008 - 12/20/2022

The only baby that Danny and I could have crossed over the Bridge 12/20/22 @ almost 15 years old. He’s been the best support system, most loyal, and funniest dog I could’ve ever asked for. He stayed strong for his Mama for so long but he went through it all with me too and it was his time to b at peace. Thank u for giving me the best years of our lives Suki. Mommy will b ok, knowing that ur with Daddy, Granny and Rusty again. Give them a kiss for me. #bestdogever #ilovejapanesechin #mydogismychild

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11/8/2008 - 12/7/2022

In memory of our best friend and loving protector of 14 years. You will forever be in our hearts. ~ Floyd and Theresa Farmer


12/15/09 – 9/25/22

Coal was a flat coated retriever with a bit of ‘newfie’.  He was a gentle giant, loving and friendly to all.  He is sorely missed and will remain in our hearts and thoughts forever.  He was our ‘special boy’ who brought so much happiness to our family.  Rest easy buddy.

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7/20/2008 - 11/4/2022

We will miss our beloved Lilly everyday. We are grateful for the 14 years we had with her. It was such a devastating decision to let her go but we loved her to much to let her suffer. Dr. Shannon was very professional and made the crossing over the Rainbow Bridge less stressful. Lilly loved her back yard and we are grateful that she got to take her last breath there. Thank you again Dr. Shannon and the staff at Eternal Pawprints


6/26/2013 - 8/12/2022

I adopted Dixie on June 26, 2021. I only had her for a little over a year, but I fell in love with her so quickly. She was so sweet, gentle, loving and she was the best cat ever. She had no mean bone in her little body. She taught me about patience and unconditional love. She was the best company. I’ll miss you sitting on me every morning until I wake up. I’ll miss seeing your face as soon as I walk in the house every single day. I’ll miss your meows every time you ask for more snacks. I miss you terribly, Dixie. I’ll love you forever, and I’ll never forget our memories together. I miss you so much it hurts, but I’m so happy that you’re suffering no longer. I look forward to seeing you on the other side, mama❤️


8/24/2004 - 9/28/2022​

I cannot begin to express the gratitude I fell towards Dr. Shannon. At a very difficult time, I turned to Eternal Pawprints so that my Jupiter would be able to pass away peacefully at home in the sunshine. Dr. Shannon was very kind and compassionate. The care she provided our family is beyond words. I was able to be by his side the entire time and hold his paw in my hand as he let out his last breath. I did not know a service like this existed. I would HIGHLY recommend Dr. Shannon and her staff to anyone what is facing this decision in their life. This is a remarkable service. The passing of a loved one is never easy, but with with Eternal Pawprint, they took away the anxiety and stress of having to go to the vet and say goodbye. Thank you, I know my old man earned his wings and is watching over me.

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3/1/2009 - 9/19/2022

Memphis was a Blue Heeler, we rescued at 10 months old. He was a great companion, loyal guardian and beloved family member. He will be forever in our hearts.


6/26/2013 - 8/12/2022

I adopted Dixie on June 26, 2021. I only had her for a little over a year, but I fell in love with her so quickly. She was so sweet, gentle, loving and she was the best cat ever. She had no mean bone in her little body. She taught me about patience and unconditional love. She was the best company. I’ll miss you sitting on me every morning until I wake up. I’ll miss seeing your face as soon as I walk in the house every single day. I’ll miss your meows every time you ask for more snacks. I miss you terribly, Dixie. I’ll love you forever, and I’ll never forget our memories together. I miss you so much it hurts, but I’m so happy that you’re suffering no longer. I look forward to seeing you on the other side, mama❤️
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2/14/2009 - 5/11/2022

Barley was a prize, a precious jewel with a big heart. He had a million nicknames but one that we used a lot was “Mr. B”, or just plain “B”. We always said, “Everybody loves the B!” It was so true and he loved everybody. He was a really good dog in so many ways. He listened well, would walk off leash, tolerated having eight other dogs over on July 4th, and a million other things. He loved his food and his petting and had a built in clock when it was time for a meal or a carrot or a water buffalo ear!
We miss our boy and our home is a much lonelier place. No matter how long we had with him, it would never be enough!


Up until a few days before his death we were managing his kidney failure.  He was a sprightly dog at age 16..  He had slowed down this past six months, but for a dog his age people were amazed at his vitality, vigor and enjoyment of life.  His beauty was constantly commented upon.  When he was running, his plume of a tail up and flowing and his eyes bright with glee, he was a sight to behold and always brought a smile to my face.  The fellow dog lovers/owners who we encountered  regularly on our daily hikes in Susquehanna State Park loved him, as did many others who were part of our routine weekly rituals.  He went with me everywhere.

I have been retired for the past five years, the same five years that Ty lived with us.  I remember the day he moved in.  How his prior mistress cried at having to re-home him.  I could see how she loved him and he her.   But life often turns the tables on one and his living situation had become unbearable so she sought help for him.  It was the right thing to do. He was anxious and stressed at the adverse living conditions that had made her seek a new home for him.  Ty had chewed his paws, bitten his lips, and some days she said he refused to eat. 

Well, all that changed.  He was now numero uno in our household.  He was elevated to top dog and full -on partner to the mistress of the house, me.  We all fell in love with him.  After the initial vet visit, Ty and I hit the trails.  My bed was his bed.  Where I went, he went.  And the two men I live with, my husband and my adult son delighted in his personality and good will for all family members.  Ty had never lived with cats, but he adjusted readily.  We lost Louie to cancer that year.  We adopted semi-feral Foxy within months.  Foxy and Ty bonded. Ty would bound in from an outing, initiate a play bow as Foxy seeing our approach would come running to meet him at the door.

When the elderly wellness six month check came back with bad news on his blood counts, I knew we were moving toward the end.  But he was still fully engaged in living, so we did.  We lived.  We lived up until the night that his kidney failure took a sharp turn for the worse.  It was a rough night.  Foxy stayed with us offering cat support.  I had made the promise to Ty, that I would not let him suffer needlessly.  Yes, there were tears…sobs, raking body sobs that night.  The finality was upon us.  In the morning I made the call to you.  You came.  You gave him the respect and dignity he deserved and honored the gravitas of his death. 


His immediate family were there for him.  He knew he was dying.  He accepted it.  He had no fear.  He chose to die surrounded by us, the energy supporting him in his time was palpable as he lay on my, our bed.  So he passed with my face buried in his fur.  I heard his heart slow and cease.  Such a good dog.  Such a fine soul. 


Our lives here now in Ty’s home have huge holes in them.  The relationship has ended.  We have the memories, never nearly even coming close to the real thing.  We’ve had grief visit us before.  We know how it is.  Our last gift to Ty was stopping the pain, releasing him, allowing him to pass with dignity and grace.  Thank you for coming.  Thank you for stepping right up and doing something to help him.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

My beautiful boy is flying free once more.

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10/7/2006 - 4/3/2022

Over 15 years of love, loyalty, and laughs. Barkley, you forever changed our world and filled our hearts with so much joy. We will cherish all the years we had together and you will always be in our hearts. We miss you so much. Rest in peace buddy. We love you!!


12/27/2008 - 2/7/2022

Little Archie was my best friend and constant companion for 12 years. Always a good boy, he was just a happy little ball of kisses and wiggles. He wasn’t the Einstein of Schnoodles, but he never met a soul he didn’t love. When I rescued him, he was just a bag of bones and the vet didn’t think he would make it, but he rallied and was a constant ray of sunshine in my life. No one could look at Archie and not smile. When I broke my leg a few years ago, an occupational therapist came to the house; she said, “The only concern I have is that there is a little dog following right behind you everywhere you go.” I miss that happy shadow. When I am over the heartbreak, I will remember him with joy in my heart.


7/7/2007 - 2/7/2022

Penny was literally my best friend. She was with me, and helped me, get through the worst time of my life.

I got her when she was 4 weeks old, and she was with me constantly. When I had to work, she waited for me. She was always looking for me when I wasn’t home. 

A piece of my heart is missing. Penny was special in more ways than one. I miss her so much. But I know that I had to let her go.


8/21/2009 - 11/11/2021

Hannah came to us by a random chance or maybe a twist of fate. I often wonder how her previous owners were able to give her away so easily because she was such a sweet dog. Whatever the reasons and without judgement, I am grateful they made that decision. We saved her from a less-than-ideal situation. But she saved me, too… From loneliness after moving to a new state, from knocks at the door, from anyone who dared count down “3, 2, 1”, say “ready, set, go,” or “I’m gonna get her!” – any of which would get her barking and riled.
Hannah was a crumb retrieval expert, a clean bowl champion, a lover of snow days, a master at shavasana/total relaxation pose, an endearingly quirky and nervous wreck, a loyal companion, a fierce protector, a constant and comforting presence. The ten years since she first became our adopted fur baby have flown by. I jumped onto the roller coaster ride that is motherhood, and she came along for the ride. Somehow in the span of those years, I (hopefully) grew into a more well-rounded human, and she simply grew…old. She was there when our children took their first steps and we bore the burden of deciding when she would take her last. I’ll miss her for the same length of time that I’ll be finding her hair around the house – for forever. Rest in peace, my sweet girl. Our home is not the same without you. – Your mama & family
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8/11/2012 - 11/3/2021

Thor, we cannot put into words how empty our world is without you. You were the best boy, and a great big brother to Kona girl and Easton. I’m not sure if our hearts will ever fully heal – losing you was heartbreaking, we miss you so much. Thank you for being there through some of the hardest times, the best times and the most important times of my life. I wish I could curl up on the floor with you just one more time, I wish Easton could grow up with you and know how wonderful you are. To know you was to love you. I pray so hard that there really is a doggy heaven, I pray you are no longer in pain and can run free and easy again. I love you so much bud. Until I see you again, xoxo


7/24/18 - 9/12/21

My best friend, My little buddy. My companion. I am so happy that you are not hurting anymore. Thank You for your teaching and Love . Forever in my heart. Love Dad.
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10/10/04 - 7/16/21

Words cant express how much we miss Pennington. We got him from a rescue at 8 weeks old and he was our first child. We are incredibly grateful to have enjoyed almost 17 years with him. He was such a loving and playful pup. Don’t let that sweet face he was also very mischievous. He was the best sock stealer and counter surfer around. Didn’t matter to us…we loved him. He was a wonderful big brother to our other dog and 2 kids. They were so fortunate to grow up with him by their side.

Pennington loved sitting in the sun. We enjoyed our walks together and he was always a good snuggler. We filled his last days with all the things he loved, like pancakes, car rides and extra treats.

I’ve loved you your whole life. I will miss you for the rest of mine. Until we meet again, my friend.

Monique aka Momo

9/24/21 - 8/22/21

Monique (Momo for short) was the fanciest girl you would ever meet. If pampered were a personality, she would have been the picture board for it. She was a gentle soul who had a tough first year of life being raised by a show breeder. She was quite and didn’t play much her whole life. But she was the calming presence none of us knew we needed. She was always there, always by our sides, and always snuggling. A whole 3.5 pounds, she was every little girl’s dream, as she was mine. We will miss her dearly but are so thankful for the 15 years she gave us. We take comfort in knowing she’s with her late sister who passed over that rainbow bridge two years ago. We love you little mo. 
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10/8/08 - 8/9/21

Buddy was the best dog, friend, road-trip partner, confidant, therapist, and cuddle bug that a girl could possibly ever ask for. He loved us through all his life and we will miss him for the rest of ours. Buddy, I hope heaven is a beautiful beach where you can run and play until I meet you there one day. ~ Love Mom


8/1/03 - 8/4/21

Jonah will be missed so much. After rescuing him we enjoyed his company since 2006. He was in our wedding, there when we brought our daughter home from the hospital and always by outside for all the milestones. We were blessed to have so many memories and so much time with him. ❤ ~ Cloud Family
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10/4/08 - 7/30/21

Roxie will be missed. My baby girl who kept me moving, motivated and constantly laughing. ~ Love Pammy and Becca Kouzis


10/19/07 - 7/14/21

Kodiak “the bear” gave us 14 wonderful years. He was such a great dog, loved by all who knew him. He helped us raise our three daughters. He was so gentle with them even when they’d climb on his back and jump up and down on him. He would just patiently look up at us with those eyes that would sorta say ‘how long you gonna let this go on for?” Being part retriever, he loved sticks and somehow he’d make it his mission to bring back the biggest stick he could find. He would be so proud when he would find one and bring it back to gnaw on. He will be greatly missed. Rest In Peace Kodi. ~ Love Buxton Family


3/29/09 - 7/4/21

Our sweet Seamus came home with us on July 4, 2009 and we said our heartbreaking goodbye to him exactly 12 years later on July 4, 2021.

Seamus was a rock star- getting so many comments wherever he went and making so many people smile. He was the smartest, most gentle and fun companion, truly our 3rd son. And he gave so much love right until his last day, even giving mom and dad one last group hug. I know time will help ease the pain of this huge loss but Seamus will live in our hearts and memories forever. Goodbye sweet boy, we love you and are so blessed to have had you in our lives. ~ Love Mom and Dad


8/19/11 - 6/28/21

My Emmitt (Emmy boy) was the greatest dog. He was a rescue who came to us with so many issues: fleas, worms, cancer, ear mites and heart worms. We had to teach him how to live indoors and trust people. We were able to spend an amazing almost 8 years with him before he had to say goodbye. We miss him more than words can even express. He was always by our side and the best behaved dog around our kids, even when they used him as a jungle gym. We will miss his sweet face terribly. ~ Love Mom

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3/30/09- 6/3/21

Cooper was the sweetest cat in the world and will be missed by many 💔😢❤ ~ Tim



You came to us as Erica begged to adopt you from your friends farm. I agreed if she wasn’t adopted in 2 weeks we would take her-Roxie became a big part of our family for 16 years. She watched all three children graduate from high school and college, and even graduate school. Roxie welcomed 2 grandchildren. She was smart and loved to just lay in the grass with us. She made the house her home and slept in every room but always shared our bed during the night. The house is quiet and empty and I hope you are roaming free with your brother and sister. We love you forever and you are forever in our hearts. Rest easy little lady. We love you always!



11/1/2006 - 3/31/2021

On the first day of May, 2007, we found a 6-month old abandoned pup on the street where we lived in Laval-sur-le-Lac, Québec.  We named her Kooza.  Earlier today, March 31st, 2021, we released her spirit in our home, lovingly and peacefully with her younger brother Kiley nearby.  5,083 days of our lives shared with this beautiful happy and loving girl who only knew how to give her joy and love unconditionally.  A pure and generous spirit.  She enriched our lives every single one of those days.  We are diminished by her loss.  But now she is once again together with her beloved older brother Jukki, and somehow we must find a way to reach deeply inside of ourselves to be able to celebrate that.  May they again romp together with the joy they shared among us in this life.  We love you Kooza.  You will always be a part of us.

Thank you Dr. Shannon for making this as peaceful and loving as it was.

~ Kooza’s peeps Astrid and Barry, and her brother Kiley.

Jasper aka Mr. Pickles

1/17/2013 - 3/5/2021

You came to us so unexpectedly. The universe knew we needed you. That was 8-years ago. Our life was better because you were in it. You were my constant companion for 8 years. How blessed our family was to have you in it. Jasper Pickles you will be forever missed.
I will love you to eternity. ~ Jen aka Mom

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3/14/2017 - 1/25/2021

I use to look in your eyes and just feel happiness in my heart. You where a perfect boy for almost 14 years. You will be missed but never forgotten my bubba ~ Linda



Bear was our clearance puppy. He was the last of his litter to go from the breeder. He was full of energy and into everything as a puppy. He would run and jump over fences, one time he cleared the fence, cleared the sidewalk and landed in the back of our pick up truck. I wish we would have gotten it on video!! He played on the playground with our children all the time (he loved to go up and down the slides) he loved to swim but hated getting a bath! And he loved the snow so much… He was very protective of our kids when they were young.

 Bear developed Laryngeal Paralysis and had begun to have severe mobility issues which caused him to fall frequently but he would always do his best to keep going… It was a very hard decision to euthanize him but we know it had to be done. 

When Dr. Shannon arrived, Bear kindly greeted her. After he greeted her, he walked to me, my husband and each of our adults children one at a time as if he was saying bye to us, he then peacefully laid down on his bed. He passed comfortably on his own bed surrounded by all of us, he even enjoyed one last chewy bone! I am very thankful for we were able to have this done at home. Dr. Shannon was very kind. ~ The Liddick Family


Sassy Mae Scott aka Sassafras


My girl has passed over to the Rainbow Bridge – she was 12. I am sooo blessed to have shared so many wonderful years and memories with her. She has been the sweetest, most loving and loyal companion anyone could have. Been through a lot together!! There will never be another like her! My sweet Sassy Mae Scott aka Sassafras. I will always hold you dear to my ♥ And until we meet again!😘😘😘🌈🐾🐾♥ ~ Mona


11/01/07 - 11/04/20

Ava was born on a farm in California’s Central Valley in November 2007. Seventeen-year-old Eden and her mom adopted her from the back of a truck, and from then on, her life was an adventure! 

Ava was a lively and rambunctious puppy who loved hiking and listening to Eden practice the drums. She loved her human brother Julius and helped him to overcome a fear of dogs; everyone she met was enamored with her, and she had so much love to give. Over her long life, she visited national parks, flew on airplanes, and went on three cross-country road trips! She was loving and protective of the humans in her life, and enjoyed taking naps on the floor with them. Ava knew lots of tricks, commands, and words, her favorite one being “car.” She was a fierce guardian who was exceedingly gentle with her little stuffed animal “babies.” 

Near the end of her life, she struggled with degenerative myelopathy which made walking difficult, but her spirit never diminished. She still loved to play with her donut toys and go on short walks, and her goofy personality made us laugh every day. She was particularly bonded with her lifelong best friend and sidekick, Eden.

After a long and beautiful life, Ava passed away at home, surrounded by loving family and friends and her kind veterinarian, Dr. Shannon. We will miss and love her forever.



9/28/05 - 8/13/20

Our Rudy Boy was an awesome part of our family. He and I took to one another immediately and that continued till the day of his passing. Rudy was always there for me and I was always there for him. We had some great times together and they will be missed. Rudy was my guardian angel and would always be at my side. After retiring from the US Army, May 2018, my plans were to spend more time with Rudy to make up for times I was away. We were planning many long walks and just having fun together. A week after retiring, Rudy was diagnosed with a heart murmur which required lots of meds just to give him some sort of semulance to be able to function.

 Discussing Rudy’s sickness with the vet a little over a month ago. He stated that Rudy should have lived maybe six months after his diagnosis back in June 2018. He lived for another 26 months because he loved me and my family. I know that Rudy stuck around for me because he was a selfless Rudy Boy and was always trying to appease me. In the end, he was not suffering and was not in pain, but Rudy and I both agreed that it was time for him to go to Doggie Heaven. We miss him so much. He can never be replaced and so happy that he was a member of our family.

Love you Rudy and we will get together again in the future. I know it. ~ John


7/10/2005 - 8/23/2020

Maverick. My sweet loving bull in a china shop. He was my constant companion for over 14 yrs. He was a wild pup who turned out to be a 1st class hunting dog turned sweetest blind grey faced old man ever. He loved everyone & always had a smile & tail wag. 

He made countless moves across 5 states, 1000s of miles of road trips, hikes, swims, & runs. He loved an adventure as much as he loved lying on the couch. He was always ready for a laugh or a cuddle. Our home feels empty without him but we know that he’s chasing ducks in the great marsh now & watching over all of us. He taught us unconditional love & we are eternally grateful for the time we had with him. While it was too short for our hearts, we know that every moment was a blessing. ~ Serina



5/18/04 - 9/10/20

Buddy came to us in November 2006 as a rescue. We found out just how much energy a GSP has, its a lot! Buddy was very loyal, proud and the best frisbee catcher ever. He was a great companion and friend. Buddy Rest In Peace, know that you were loved and will be missed. Enjoy catching frisbees over the rainbow bridge and say hi to Ella for us. – Burgess family


12/7/2007 - 7/6/2020

Oh Nana girl, where to start…. you were a foster fail that quickly took hold of my heart. We were supposed to get you, rehabilitate you and give you to another loving home, but when it came time to do so, I couldn’t give you up. You became apart of our pack, mine and Moose’s. We feel like we lost our best friend. You made this house feel whole. I will forever miss your snoring and your funny grunts when you wanted to be pet or held. You were the best snuggler in the world. You will always be a part of everything we do. We love you and we miss you so much.


Missy aka Miss Priss

9/20/06 - 5/16/20

Our pug Missy was a wonderful dog she had a sassy way about her and was very vocal. Missy came into our lives when my son had his 5th birthday in pre-k, she passed the day after his last Senior day. She always talked and talked when ever you were gone and came home, I miss our daily chats already. We are heartbroken trying to sleep without a snoring pug is hard. She could no longer use her rear legs and that day sitting up using her front legs was not long. My husband was going to continue to meet her every need. 

Due to loss of quality of life we decided to allow her to pass with dignity and grace. Doctor Shannon came to our house we put her to sleep in the spot on our back deck were she loved to lay and chill in the shade of the tree. She was my sons but she was family to each of us in the house. The worst part of pet ownership happened making that decision. Doctor Shannon was absolutely wonderful. Being at home somehow made it better. ~ Sherry


12/25/2006 - 4/18/2020

Ella was our wonderful, loveable goofball. Ella came to us in the fall of 2012 when she needed a new home as a frenetic ball of energy that stayed that way for the next 7 and a half years. 

Things to remember about Ella, she loved to eat, she loved to bark at the chickens, she loved to hide in the bushes and emerge with green eyebrows and most of all she loved her people and always wanted to be around people especially our kids. Always ready to greet and gives kisses, what a wonderful companion and friend. Ella you will be missed. Be at peace and know that you filled our lives with love. ~ Burgess Family


6/15/2008 - 4/7/2020

Our sweet pup Brutus got his wings on April 7, 2020. He was born on Father’s Day in 2008 and we held him the day he was born. He was bred by our family to be sold, but unexpectedly came into our lives when we decided to keep him rather than let him go to another family. It was the best decision we ever made. 

He was an incredibly sweet, compassionate and sensitive dog. He was a running partner, swimmer, frisbee catcher, snuggler and gave the absolute best kisses. His energetic personality made everyone around him happier and he made us all feel like we were the most important thing in his world. We’ll miss his early morning “quiet” barks to let us know that it was time to get up and go outside. We’ll miss all the snuggles he needed whenever it was too windy or thunder storming outside. We’ll miss every bark once a car door closed and he knew we were about to walk in the front door. His partner in crime, Baylee, is missing his company too. She’s never slept a night without him. We were so blessed to have him. 

We’ll see you again some day, you better be waiting with a frisbee to fetch.


Devin, Amy, Emma, Kellen and Baylee


1/15/2005- 4/6/2020

We didn’t know at the time that the wrinkled little fur ball my husband brought home one cold morning was going to have such a profound effect on our lives. Soxs was so sweet and loyal. He loved potato chips, bacon and cheese. When his health started to decline, we had to make the difficult decision to put Soxs to sleep. He had been sick for some time and we knew it was the right thing to do.

 You never know how much a pet can impact your life until they are gone. You take for granted they will always be there. He was our baby boy for 15 years. He had a wonderful life and we will cherish every memory with him. Even the one when I came home from work and he ripped up all the toilet paper. 🤣😂 I would take 10 of those days just to have one day back. 😥🐾💔 I want to thank Dr. Shannon for her compassion and kindness. She was so gentle that it put us at ease at such a difficult time. #gonebutnotforgotten

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Our beloved Biscuit we miss you dearly. You brought so much joy to everyone’s you came in contact with. You made non fur baby lovers new lovers. You were everything sweet, loving, fun, silly and smart just to name a few things. You could light up any room and commanded attention wherever you were. Everyone loved Biscuit.

I remember when we first brought you home you were our little dirt diver. Always sneaking into the neighbor’s yard and rolling in the grass. Biscuit “Beep Beep” would grab his leash and enjoyed going for long walks sniffing to no end. Biscuit loved his treats he would let us know it’s treat time. Thank you Biscuit for loving us unconditionally we are truly better because of you. It’s been difficult without my baby. We miss and love you! ❤️ Dad, Mom and Jordan


3/20/2011- 1/12/2020

You changed our lives forever the day Dad brought you home, and you changed it again the day you went to Heaven. For eight years you were the best hug, best slobbery kiss, best listener, best walking companion, best backseat driver, best back-up dancer and duet partner, best protector of the house, and best friend we could ever ask for! You were there for it all, the good days and the bad. This house will never be the same without you in it, but we take comfort in knowing that you are running around in Heaven, eating all the cookies, and sitting on God’s lap watching over us. We’ll see you again one day bud. We love and miss you more than you can imagine ♥️

Mommy, Daddy, Sissy, and Brother


Pet Memorial Gifts

Our affiliated crematory has several exquisite memorial items for sale including keychains, necklaces, etc. What a great way to remember your beloved furry family member.